A national roster of grassroots organizations.

usa map


List Your Organization

"*" indicates required fields

Please do not provide a personal email.
This will be displayed on the listing page so other Organizations can find you. Include https:// in the url.
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Ideal logo size is 300x300 pixels.

The answers to the following set of questions will NOT be shown to the public, but but will allow the Grassroots Collaboration Project to provide you opportunities.

If no website or social presence is listed above, please enter another alternative method to authenticate your organization.
Legal Status (Check all that apply)*
All email communication from Grassroots Directory will be sent to this email. Be sure to check your SPAM folder for incoming emails.
Levels of Activity*
Organized Activities in Which Your Group Participates*
Is it OK to include your Organization's Activities (above) in the Public Listing?*
If you plan to prioritize your activities in one or more of the states listed, please indicate.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

hand and pc mouse